New product catalogues

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Z veseljem vam predstavljamo nova produktna kataloga našega proizvodno-prodajnega programa: – Vrstne sponke s priborom – Elementi za označevanje, ožičenje ter pritrjevanje V njem smo strnili vse poglavite komercialne ter tehnične podatke, kar bo po našem prepričanju bistveno olajšalo izbiro … Continued

ISO 9001:2015 recertification

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Bureau Veritas has performed a recertification audit of our quality management system in accordance with the standard ISO 9001:2015, towards the end of the summer. The whole process has been carried out and finished without any major problems. Other, minor comments... Continued

New product catalogue

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Z veseljem vam predstavljamo nov produktni katalog našega proizvodnega programa kondenzatorskih priključnih sklopov s priborom. V njem smo strnili vse poglavite komercialne ter tehnične podatke, kar bo po našem prepričanju bistveno olajšalo izbiro primernega produkta iz omenjenega proizvodnega programa. Katalog … Continued

IFAM 2023

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Letos se bo naše podjetje kot razstavljavec udeležilo sejma IFAM, Robotics ter Intronika, ki bo potekal med 7. in 9. marcem v Ljubljani. Naš razstavni prostor se bo nahajal v hali (kupoli) A, št. A-300. Obiskovalcem bomo predstavili izdelke iz … Continued

MIS 2022 Celje

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Letos se bo naše podjetje kot razstavljavec udeležilo Mednarodnega industrijskega sejma, ki bo potekal med 5. in 8. aprilom v Celju. Naš razstavni prostor se bo nahajal v dvorani D, št. 09. Obiskovalcem bomo predstavili izdelke iz našega proizvodnega programa, … Continued

ISO 9001:2015 recertification

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Bureau Veritas has performed a recertification audit of our quality management system in accordance with the standard ISO 9001:2015, towards the end of the summer. The whole process has been carried out and finished without any major problems. Other, minor comments... Continued

70th anniv. of SM Strojkoplast

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The year 2020 represents a very special year for SM Strojkoplast – our company celebrates the 70th anniversary of its existence. Just like the history of our company has been full of dynamic changes and adjustments to the ever-changing market conditions, so has this year been full of dramatic changes – quite a lot of investments into the renovation of our manufacturing facilities and the administrative building have been successfully implemented, as well as seeing a lot of our long-time employees retiring... Continued

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